This week has been one that has been very relaxing and full of goodness too. If you recall, I went to New York City on Valentine’s Day and then on Friday visited a sheep farm. Then one of my friend’s and I visited a local wine shop and had dinner on Sunday (sorry no pics from that! Next time). I ran into another friend on Sunday and we made plans to knit at the local cafe on Monday. That was so nice. I sat there for 3 hours knitting, eating, drinking lattes, and just chatting. It turns out that my one friend has a knitting class at the cafe on Mondays so it was a day of knitting! I had the bacony biscuit which is a biscuit with sausage, egg, and tomato jam (not sure why they call it bacony though). And I just had to take a pic of the biscuit and the latte of course!

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I finished another hat! I was trying to take a pic of it in the mirror like I see so many people do. But I couldn’t get a good pic of the hat. I like this pic though. DSC_0036 copyDSC_0039 copy

I had lots of time this week to indulge in coffee drinking and newspaper reading. DSC_0073 copy

Poor Bobby Jack wants to go outside so bad but he’s just not an outside kitty. Especially now that he doesn’t have teeth. DSC_0021 copyDSC_0010 copy

Oh and the chickens. The chickens got to enjoy lots of outside time this week. I now sit outside with them when they free range. This means I get lots of me time as well. I finished my Master Gardener lesson on entomology while watching the girls. I also did some writing, picture editing, and just generally caught up on lots of things while enjoying the weather and the girls. Gertie and Bobby met each other via the slider this week too. Gertie is my most curious, and bravest, chicken. She is lowest on the pecking order now that Pecky’s no longer with us. But she just takes whatever is coming at her and is so gentle and sweet. She won’t let me cuddle her though we’re working on that!DSC_0050 copyDSC_0003 copyDSC_0057 copyDSC_0054 copyDSC_0068 copyDSC_0069 copyDSC_0087 copy

I removed the lights from the chicken coop this week. I think they should be okay without it now. Most of the prolonged cold weather is behind us. We’ll have some cold nights but the daytime temps should be more pleasant now. The frostbite that Little Girl and Gertie suffered are healing up nicely. It doesn’t look like there will be any permanent damage. The warmer temps have helped with the healing. I also used triple antibiotic cream in the AM and PM on each of them.

What else? I’ve got some projects that I am working on that I’m excited about. We’ll see if they go anywhere before I announce them. I’m adding photography lessons back into the rotation. I like to learn a new skill and then use it over and over until I feel comfortable with it. The last lesson was a few months ago and was about aperture. That’s when I started using the Mister’s 35mm, 1.8/f lens. And that’s why you see so many of my pics with the blurred background (depth of field). I still have a long way to go but I’m excited to start learning again.

Another trip to the City is being planned. I have a busy week next week with meetings. I’ll keep you updated on those. I’m almost finished with another hat (that will make 4). Then I’m starting my cross stitch projects that I’ve long neglected. More on that later too. I’ll do a crafty update soon with nothing but crafty goodness! I work this weekend plus I have my Master Gardener class so I probably won’t get to update you all until next week. I hope you’ve enjoyed your week. Tell me what you’ve been up to! I want to know!