Homemade hand sanitizer is so super easy and is a timely topic. What with hand sanitizers selling out in stores. I make my own and keep it in a squirt bottle in the car. We use it after we’ve been to a store or any time we’re out in public. There are a few key things you want to keep in mind and then I’ll give you some links below for some good resources on making your own. I did a LOT of research before I offered up this demonstration and I suggest you do the same. There are a lot of warnings about making your own, specifically the ingredients and the ratios needed to make them potent enough. Anyway, without further ado! I present to you information on making your own hand sanitizers!

First, you will need isopropyl rubbing alcohol. The higher the alcohol content the better. Most recipes and the CDC recommends at least 90% alcohol. If using less than that, you will need to change your ratios to make sure your sanitizer is strong enough. See this link for more information from the CDC.

There are two different ways to make hand sanitizer. One is a quick method with aloe vera gel that you can use in a squeeze bottle. The ingredients list includes: isopropyl alcohol (at least 90%), aloe vera gel, and essential oil(s) of your liking. Here’s a good recipe if you decide to go that route.

For the hand sanitizer that I make and use daily, I found the best information here. This recipe uses isopropyl alcohol, glycerin, hydrogen peroxide, water, and essential oil(s).

see here for info on essential oils
see the links below for all the information I used before doing this live demonstration:
1. Wired Magazine
2. Healthline
3. CDC
4. The Spruce Eats

That’s it! I hope you will watch the video above before you make your own and also do the research first as well. Homemade hand sanitizer is super easy to make and is quite effective if you make it and store it properly. Happy making friends!

’til next time