We all have choices, don’t we? What will we wear today? Who do I want to be? What will I eat today? Where will I live? What will I do for a career? Who are my friends? Who am I? There’s always choices to make. Decisions to make and stick to. Each day is filled with choices and decisions. And sometimes we get stuck. We get good and stuck for a good long while. That’s where I’ve been. Stuck. I’ve had big emotions about all the changes happening in my life. Who wouldn’t? Well. I guess there are some people who wouldn’t have big emotions about it, but that’s not me. And that’s okay. I’ve been made to feel that having emotions is wrong. Unhealthy.

But I’m here to tell you that it’s okay. It’s okay to not know what to do next. It’s okay to not fit in a box of what someone else wants you to do or be. To not know what the next step is. To take a moment to figure it out. Not everyone can stay in one place and not grow and make changes. Sometimes those changes are forced on us, but in the end, it’s okay. You’ll figure it out. You’ll see things clearer before too long. You’ll see who is a surface friend. You’ll see who is a true friend. You’ll see how you contributed to things. You’ll see where you need to put in the work. And then you can make your own choices. Choices about who you are, where you’ll go, what you want to do. And then you’ll start making smaller choices. What do I want to do today? Tomorrow? In 6 months. In one year. In five years, And so on. Big choices. Little choices. But they’ll be your choices.

I’m moving on from my temporary home on the river. We’re moving over to my friend’s place. She has a sheep farm and Anna Lee and I are excited to be moving that way. We still have a lot of decisions to make about the future, but we’re hopeful. For the first time in a long time, we’re hopeful of what the future holds. We’re going to enjoy the here and now while we look towards the future. I’ve learned a lot these past few weeks since landing back north. And we’re hopeful of where we’re going. It’s like we’re shedding our skin and become a better version of ourselves. Well, I am anyway. Anna Lee was always the best version of herself! She’s had a hard time too. She doesn’t understand all the changes, but she will soon.

I’m not sure if this is still a homestead blog. It might be. But we’re not really homesteading anymore. I guess it’s more of a life blog. It always was though, wasn’t it? I was always hesitant to put things out there because it was considered ‘wrong’. Don’t show the world who you are! Well, world. Here I am. Take it or leave it. But I’m here to tell you that you can do it friends. Don’t let things get in the way of what YOU want out of life. Take a good hard look at yourself and figure out what it is that you want. And then go for it. Show the world who you are! That’s what I’m doing. That’s where I’m at. I hope you’ll see these choices and decisions come to life, right along next to me. I hope you are well. Tell me about the choices you’ve had to make.

’til next time