Happy Fall friends! I made my own Friday Favorites banner. It’s pretty simple but I like it. I’ll change it as the seasons change and as my skills increase. But for now, it’s simple and sweet. I’ve been crushing on some things lately and I’m also starting some new classes this month. Classes in which I participate, not teach. It’s kind of a nice change of pace. I’m also trying a new format with my friday favs…linking rather than photos and a brief summary. Let me know what you think. Do you like this format better? Or the other way?

  1. I’m crushing on these overalls. They only have the green in my size. What’s a girl to do?!?!
  2. I just bought these and am in love!
  3. I’m taking my first ever photography class through a local photography club. It starts next week and I’m very excited!
  4. Today is this cutie’s birthday! He’s 13! I can’t believe it.
  5. I’ve been reading this book getting ready for next year’s homestead updates.
  6. I spent yesterday curled up with this book because it was rainy and cold and the book is about a cidery near us.
  7. And finally, I am taking this class to help with marketing my products.

What are you crushing on this week? Tell me all about it! I need to know! I’m linking up with the hosts of Friday Favorites. You can find them below.