I want to start a weekly homestead update. I typically use pen and paper to update what’s going on around the homestead, when I remember to jot things down. And that’s not often. So I thought I would be intentional (remember that word?) in trying to keep up with my records with what’s going on on the homestead. So I would like to officially introduce you to Homestead Update #1 and what all we’ve been up to over the past few weeks. I’ll keep it short.


Our total egg count for the week (12/26-1/1) was 11! Almost a dozen per week. The girls have had some limited free range time, mostly in the late afternoons.


We’ve completed a lot of projects lately so I’ll give an updated list here:
1. Burned papers: That’s been on my list for a very long time!
2. Cleaned up from Christmas (more about Christmas in a later post)
3. We’ve been cleaning out lots of things and have a huge pile for donations.
4. Decorating: since we took down Christmas and have been cleaning out our stuff, I’ve had a chance to redecorate in small ways. That’s been fun.
5. Organize: and because of the cleaning up and out, I’ve also been able to reorganize a lot. I did a big overhaul on my crafting closet. That’s been nice. And when I’m done with a project, it all gets put away. I cleaned and organized all my class materials and the sunporch too. I also gave away most of my left over products from 2020. I kept what I wanted, gave away some to friends, and will donate the rest. It’s nice to put that chapter behind me.


You know there’s always food involved on the homestead! I haven’t really been ‘putting anything up’, i.e. canning or stockpiling. We did do a huge inventory of our food though. We also stayed home for Christmas and New Years so we got to plan some festivities here at the homestead. The Mister smoked a (homegrown) chicken for Christmas dinner. And for New Years Eve he cooked salmon, mashed potatoes, and brussel sprouts. We had friends over for New Years day. I made a strawberry cake (and totally forgot to take a picture!). We love strawberry cake and I don’t make it often enough. It’s kind of step intensive so that’s the biggest reason I don’t make it. I also made a black eyed pea and broccoli slaw for dinner that night. If you aren’t familiar, black eyed peas are supposed to bring good luck when eaten on New Years Day. Or at least that’s the southern tradition. I got the recipe from Cooking Scrappy. It was super easy to put together and super yummy too!

And finally, our misfits delivery box is going well. We’ve been ordering weekly but did skip last week because we had a ton of produce. I should get another box tomorrow and ordered bok choy. We’ve never cooked bok choy before so I’m looking forward to using that.

I think that’s it for our first homestead update. I’m sure I’ve forgotten something but I’ll try to keep track and update it for next week.

’til next time