Oh goodness, y’all! Every. time. I push publish I think of all the things I didn’t tell you! And can I just say how utterly overwhelmed I feel lately? I have so much swirling through my head that needs to get done or that I want to do but I always forget to write something down. Or I’m afraid I’m going to forget something. But I wanted to tell you about all the GOOD things that are happening lately (that are making me overwhelmed!) so let’s get straight to it.

First, I’m entering the pie contest at my local county fair. I have to make two pies next week and travel 45 minutes to enter them at the fair! I’m entering my mixed berry pie (see picture above) and my butterscotch pie with curry crust. I’ve tweaked that pie since I made it for the pie along. Now I use gingersnap cookies with real ginger and it is all that much better! I’m also entering the photography contest, because why not? I’ll use one of the photos from this post. I’m printing several out and then whichever looks best will be the one I enter.

I’ve been working. A lot. At two different libraries. Sometimes on the same day. But I like it. It’s two totally different types of libraries. One I am at a reference desk, the other I’m helping out while the library director runs summer reading program. I’m also booking classes for fall. I put so much into my classes. I really want to do a good job and I also want to share my knowledge with the people who have taken the time to come to one of my programs. I really would like to book more classes but find that I have a hard time putting myself out there. It’s hard to ‘cold call’ people, so-to-speak. So far every class I’ve booked was either through a former colleague of mine or from someone I already knew locally. Anyway, I’ve updated my class list so if you’re local to one of those places I hope you’ll join me! I have some very fun classes coming up: canning, cheese making, homemade salves, and beeswax food covers! So very excited for ALL these classes!

I’ve been steadily crafting. I have two commissioned knitted pieces that I am currently working on. I will update all about my crafting in a separate post. I really just need to take pictures. But that seems like it gets put on the back burner. I’ve also finished some crafts that were lingering for a while. OH! I found a facebook group that is all about crafting using things you buy from the Dollar Store and I am all about that! Like the true dollar store where things are only $1. They take things and paint them, decorate them, and put them together in ways that I never imagined. I’m so into this I can’t wait to go to the dollar store and look around!

Speaking of crafts, I think I mentioned that I was given a fleece from the lamb down the road from us. My dream is to have my own herd and spin their fleece into yarn and then dye it. And sell it. But that’s a long way off. I’ve never done any of this so I’m not sure if it’s a reality or not. But I want to try. So I have this fleece and I’ve been thinking about how to go about things. So I have two things that have developed for me lately. First, I found a local-to-me spinning and weaving group! I was having a hard time finding them until I decided to look on–where else–but Facebook! There they are! So hopefully I’ll be able to fit a meeting into my schedule. Actually, I know I will. It might just not be in August. But that’s okay. And second, I am attending this conference this weekend. It’s on Saturday in the very cool town of Ithaca. I’m hoping it will give me all the details to help me start moving in the direction of using that fleece, dyeing my own yarn, finding some good local sources of yarn. Speaking of. See that picture above with the marigold? I was looking at that picture and then I decided to research dyeing with marigolds. And then I decided why wait? Why wait until I have the time to research and read all about dyeing. Just do it. I have Queen Anne’s Lace blooming right now. I have marigolds. At the very least I can cut these flowers and put them in the freezer. But nope. That’s not good enough. I decided to order some yarn! So I have yarn on its way to me right now. I just got the shipment notification. So I’m going to do it!

I have a couple of fun friend get-togethers planned as well. I’m trying to not make everything be about my little homestead business. There’s got to be a little bit of time away from planning, making, doing, thinking! I do love it all though! Oh. Get this. On Wednesday the Mister says to me, “I think there’s a cat in the dumpster”. Um. What?!?! So after we looked around I found a kitten UNDER the dumpster! Hours go by thinking he’ll just crawl out. But eventually (and right before leaving for work) we decide that something has to be done because he looks very weak….’not opening his eyes’ kind of weak. Of course the whole time I’m down on my hands and knees with a flashlight, looking under the dumpster. In my work clothes (which happened to be a dress, of course). Aaaannnyyway, the Mister and the Intern get the kitten out from under the dumpster and proceed to take care of him until I get home (in consultation with our friend who is a veterinarian). I took the evening shift of getting up every 3 hours to shove milk down his throat. That little bugger is thriving today! He’s not out of the woods yet, but he’s walking, eating, piddling, drinking on his own. None of which he could even do the first night. He even hissed at me. He’s skin and bones though with the biggest ears and eyes. We ‘re trying to not bother him too much. Although that’s hard…he’s so cute. I want to name him Miracle and call him Mirry for short. The Mister is voting for Cornstalk. But I’m not sure what we should call him for short—Corny or Stalker? The Intern voted for Freddy since that’s the name of the dumpster company. Freddy might be the ticket.

The garden is long neglected but I gave it some TLC on Monday. In the rain. Naturally. And I have some time next week in between mowing that I can spend in the garden as well. I’ll post another blog post with an update. Again–just need pictures. The story of my life. Maybe another video might suffice. I harvested some tomatoes on Monday but I put them in my pocket. You can guess what happened. But look at those yellow beauties up top! That was officially my second tomato harvest.

And if I didn’t have enough to do, I want to apply to the Taproot Maker’s Market in Vermont. I need a little get away,. plus I’ve never been to Vermont, plus I can combine it with work. But I’m sure they’re very selective and I’m not sure my products will make the cut. But I don’t have anything to lose so I’m going to do it! Now I just need to find some time to apply!

See those books up there? They’re my new favorites and I have lots to make from them. My favorite thing to make from Honey & Jam is the Apple Skillet Cake with Rosemary Crumble. It is by far my go-to Fall recipe! And my rosemary is really doing well. Since we have a pear tree on the property, maybe I’ll make it with pears instead of apples. And I also need to make just about everything else that’s in there too! And the other book, Savor, is just as amazing. The photos alone are drool worthy. I haven’t made anything from it yet but I kept checking it out of the library so much that I decided it needed to be in my collection. That’s how I determine which books to add to my collection: if I check them out from the library enough times, it needs to be an addition to my shelf.

What else? I’m sorry this is sooo long, but I always forget to mention these things. Ah. I almost forgot to mention (see…it happens. all. the. time)–my second hand computer died. It lived a very good, long life but I think it’s finally dead-dead. My dear friend Melinda is always mentioning putting things out in the Universe and whatever you need will come to you. Eventually. She calls it ‘manifestation’. I call it ‘putting it out there’. So I’m putting this out there. I need a new computer. Right now I’m hopping on whatever computer is available. Or using my iPad, which isn’t as ideal as an actual computer. So blogging might be a little slower. Plus I’m a little, ahem, busy! But I’m making it work. And I’ll make a new computer work when the time is right.

Oh! And one more thing, really! I promise! It’s worth mentioning here. The dear Shugunna nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. I will definitely have another post about that. Stay tuned! She is the sweetest, and fiercest! Check her out.

It seems like it’s been a very long time since I’ve just ‘vomited’ out everything. I used to have more posts like this but the past few months I seem to have gotten away from it. I like these posts. I hope you do too. Until the next time friends!!