Hey friends. Here we are with another week done. I’m not feeling like I have anything new to say. I’m still feeling a little lost and not myself. I don’t know when that will change. I’m really working towards letting go and looking towards the future while still taking care of myself. I think it’s hard for a lot of reasons. Mostly how do you move forward on your own? What is that going to look like? Will I be lonely? Or will I be okay finally doing the things that I’ve always wanted to do? Will I continue to hold myself back? Or will I finally thrive? Y’all! It’s a lot! But my dreams are starting to take shape again. They left me for a little while. But I’m starting to slowly feel whole again. I want to do the things that I’ve always put off. They’re little things. They seem silly but to me, they’re not. I want to decorate my house. I want to have tablescapes and front porches that are festive. I really want to buy stuff at the thrift stores and antique stores when I see them, thinking about the future home I want to make. But then I talk myself out of it because I don’t have a home and won’t for some time. But then I think, well, all my stuff is going to be in storage so why not start collecting the things that I want to use in the future when I see it now.

Anyway, there’s more to it than that. I’m trying to show myself some self care and self love too. Since I’ve been at my brother’s house, I’ve been trying to find my new routine. I’ll be here for at least a month, if not longer. So I’m walking their neighborhood twice per day and started meal prepping today. Which brings me to my point for this post. I think I need some more time away from Chicken Librarian. I’m not feeling like I have anything new to contribute right now. I feel like my time is better spent working on myself behind the scenes, clearing my head, spending time with family while I can, and focusing on what the future holds. I hope to come back in a few weeks or a few months and have a better sense of self and direction. I’m really feeling directionless right now! Oy! Anyway, I’ll leave you with the pictures that I’ve taken thus far and then I’ll just collect them for future posts and updates. Just know that I am doing okay and that I just need a little more time to process and let go of things. Take really good care and I’ll see you all very soon. Happy Holidays! xoxo

The Nephews

There’s been lots of baking and making and Tuttle, the Elf on the Shelf! The cake (with the green icing and candy on top) was an animal cell cake project that I helped my middle nephew with! He was so clever and did all the decorating by himself. I just lent moral support.


I’ve been practicing photography since starting the photography course a couple of weeks ago, but I am hating my photos!! I hope to keep improving though. I haven’t had a lot of extra time to really read and practice so that’s one thing I want to focus on while I’m on my little break. Stay tuned!

A Parade

We went to the local Christmas parade last weekend. It was so much fun!! I really had a good time, but those pictures. URGH! Well. I’m working on it is all I can say. But at least I’ll look back on the parade with fond memories. So there’s always that.

Anyway, I’m signing off here. I wish you all the best holiday season and I hope to see you all again very soon.

’til next time