Friends! I’m a little behind with my weekly good things list. I have a few things that I wanted to let you know about so let’s get to it!

1. My friend’s birthday was this past weekend. She wanted to get Thai food on Friday so we did a double date with her and her husband. It was so nice getting dressed up and going out. The food was good, the iced coffee was delicious, and the company was fantastic! And then we stopped for ice cream on the way home. And that was some of the best ice cream I’ve ever had! YUM! Then we celebrated with her family on her actual birthday on Saturday. It was nice to be included in such a fun celebration.

2. I have a couple of local-to-me things to share. First, have you ever heard the cidiot podcast? No? Well, I think you should take a listen. And while you’re at it, check out Red Kill Mountain Homestead Farm. Ashley and Matt have a podcast and some lovely products too (you will be hearing more about this soon, hint hint). And have I mentioned the new Upstate Curious app? If not, and you’re local to the Hudson Valley/Catskills region, you definitely need to download it and use it. It’s so full of great information and resources! And there might be something special planned with them. hint, hint.

3. I spent some time away from Chicken Librarian last week. It was very much needed. I just need a sec to catch my breath. And I’m glad I did. There were some very nice spring days last week and I got to enjoy them. Of course, now winter has set back in so it’s back to work for me! You can find out what I’ve been up to by reading this post or by visiting my shop.

4. Speaking of taking time away, I’ve been enjoying this coffee while I’ve been doing some reading and research and relaxing some. I love french press coffee and I love it even more when it’s made with locally roasted beans! Yum!

That’s all I have for now. I’ll be back soon with some other posts. I have a lot percolating and can’t wait to share it with y’all. But now I really must tend to some homesteady goodness. HEHE.

’til next time