Yesterday was my first craft night with a dear friend. We made pumpkin gnomes. They turned out really cute! I, unfortunately, didn’t snap a picture before I left for work this morning. Speaking of. I know I’ve mentioned it before, but I work (very part time) at one of my local libraries. I say one because I’m fortunate to live in an area where I have two libraries within a short drive (the perks of living on a border town–the border being between NY and PA). Anyway, this little library is where I got my start all those years ago (over 15 years now!), where I decided I needed to be a librarian. I had always wanted to be a nurse. In fact, I’m a nursing school drop out. Anyway, I wanted to be a nurse but decided against it. Then I didn’t know what to do with myself until I stepped into our local library. And then I knew! So here we are all these years later. I’ve started my own business but I still need to dabble in the library world on occasion. So for today and tomorrow I get to play library. I think I’ve shared pictures from this library before but I did snap a few just to show you around a little. You can take puzzles home, grab a halloween themed book for the kids, hop on a computer, or just browse the newspapers and magazines. That book above–The Hate U Give? It was one of the best books I’ve ever listened to. I didn’t do a review on it because I didn’t know how to give that book justice. I listened to it in the car on my way back and forth to my job I had last year. The reader of the book, Bahni Turpin, really brought the book to life. I don’t think I would have fully understood the book if it weren’t for her and the way she read the book. It gave each character a voice. And it really helped me understand a little more about what is happening in our country. It gave a voice to something that I will never understand. I will never know what it is like to be afraid for my life. Anyway, read the book. Or better yet, listen to the audio.

In other news, I finally have the fall/halloween decorations done. I spent more money that I should have. Next year I will set a budget for decorating and try to grow my own pumpkins and maybe try to grow some mums. I’ve been into saving flowers with the hope that I can save some seeds. I’ll try that with the mums and see if I can’t cut down on my fall decorating costs. I think I spent about $75! Yikes! But on the good side, it did go to a local business. I’ve also started the arduous task of transplanting all the tiger lillies that were next to the sun porch door. You can see the empty space in the picture with the two pumpkins on the steps (right below the picture of the sign). I’ll plant them this weekend and then I want to edge the front flower bed. Those are my two goals for this weekend. If I can get the chicken coops cleaned out that would be fantastic! But I’ll set the goal of finish transplanting and edging the flower bed. You can see my winter prep goals here. I have been steadily working towards checking stuff off the list!

I’m trying this new blogging style where I take a few photos and try to just post every day or other day instead of one monster post every few days/weeks. I like it so far. But this is the first day. Hehehe. I also have some new class formats up my sleeve. I’m booking classes still so that’s good. One of my venues opened up for online classes and we’ve almost finalized a couple of classes! So. Stay tuned for details.

Tonight I start my Master Gardener classes! I’m very excited. I tried to do the classes a couple of years ago but didn’t feel like I had enough knowledge to really be an effective MG’er. But that’s not the case now. So I’m really looking forward to it. Other than that, I have some cleaning to do (one more bathroom! I’ve told y’all about the amount of bathrooms right?!?!). The weekly chore chart has really helped me stay on track with making sure the house is picked up and cleaned. What can I say? I like a clean and organized house!

I think that’s enough for now. I’m really trying to cut down on the monster blog posts! It’s not working, is it? hehe.

’til next time