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I finally made it back from my trip to TN. The Mister and I enjoyed an overnight stay in NJ as a vacation after the vacation. TN is always nice to visit but I do miss the Mister and the homestead while I’m away. It’s a different lifestyle in TN than what we are used to. We live in the middle of nowhere Upstate NY and when we (or when I visit as that is usually what happens…someone has to stay home with the animals), it’s go, go, go. There’s always so much to do and see.

I visited this place for ice cream, this place for coffee, and this place for my new sassy haircut. I took each of my nephews to get ice cream and everyone enjoyed it and took home a t-shirt or hat! I got the Mexican Mocha at the coffee shop and it was super yummy. It doesn’t beat the WBM (World’s Best Mocha, which can be found here ), but I liked that this mocha was different. And I found the hair salon randomly on the internet and I’m glad I did!

I visited numerous thrift stores as is par for the course when visiting my folks. They love to antique and thrift! And despite the cold that settled in everywhere, I also visited Norris Dam State Park to take some pics of the old mill site, drove around taking pictures of old churches and anything else that caught my eye, crafted with the nephews, visited this yarn store, and snapped a quick pic from the car of the sunsphere. Oh, we also went bowling and celebrated my Mom’s birthday. I have some more pics on instagram. I didn’t want to overwhelm you all with pictures…I thought 15 might be enough!

As much as I love to travel and get away from the homestead, 10 days is a bit too long. I will have to remember this for the future. I did discover (as if I didn’t already know), that I do love my simple life here on the homestead. The Mister has always said to me that our grass is green (as in people always think the grass is greener on the other side) so I will be adding those two hashtags to my posts here and on instagram. I’m grateful to have the opportunity to visit other places and experience other’s lives and lifestyle, but I’m also thankful to return home to my life.

Thank you all for enduring almost 2 weeks of radio-silence here on the blog and over on social media. I will be catching up in the next few days and getting back into the swing of posting.