Having fun in Vermont! And a side trip to New Hampshire.

Vermont Institute of Natural Science (VINS Raptor Center)

King Arthur Flour…or where I am Queen of the Bread

Hiking in Vermont in March…or what were we thinking?

Rutland Farmer’s Market….or land of the nicest people


Hey friends! I’m finally back from all my vacations! I had such a good time but I am ready to settle back into my normal routine. I visited Vermont last week for the first time ever. I don’t think I need to go into a lot of details as you can probably tell by all the pictures. But it’s safe to say we did a lot in the 3 days we were there and I hope I’ll be able to go back someday to do more.

There was so much laughter and I feel like I got to know myself a little better on this trip. I met some really nice people. Take the farm market for example. Diane, the lady pictured above, was so super nice! I totally forgot to bring my business cards with me and she said not to worry about it but just send her some and she’ll hand them out at her booth. Wouldn’t that be amazing if I could book some classes in Vermont! I was so excited I forgot to buy one of her maple cupcakes. I guess that means I’ll have to go back…just for the cupcakes!

I also bought a pair of homemade earrings from Kiera of H.D. Lifestyle Market. I didn’t get a good picture of them…just a quick selfie with my phone. I’ll take a good pic and try to post it to the weekly roundup. I got this kind but they’re all different since she makes them out of clay. She was so friendly and so nice. Check her out! And buy something from her!

One of my favorite things that we did was go to King Arthur Flour! I titled that part of the pictures “King Arthur Flour…or where I am Queen of the Bread” for obviously reasons (look at the pictures closely above. LOL). It was fun and I wanted to take a class. Did you know they offered classes!?!?! Swoon. They also have their current open positions for employment. Friends! They have an opening for a blog editor. How cool is that? If only I could pack up my whole life (friends included) and move to Vermont. Sigh. I guess I’ll have to live vicariously through their website and blog. I also bought a sourdough starter from them and can’t wait to dive into it! Sourdough has been on my list for a while and when I saw the starter I just knew it was time.

We ate most of our meals at home, or I should say at our rental home. It was nice. The days were busy with doing and the evenings were quiet with relaxing and enjoying. We visited the Raptor Center. What an amazing place. I was so enthralled with the eagles. I bet you couldn’t tell from the pics above, huh? I love seeing them almost everyday here in the wild where we live, but you never get to be that close to them. I just couldn’t stop taking pictures. There were also a pair of Golden Eagles as well as several kinds of hawks, snow owls, falcons, even ravens and turkey vultures. If you look closely enough you’ll even see a teeny, tiny screech owl.

And then we took some time to see the scenes of Vermont. Which meant climbing snow banks. And…ahem…using the bathroom au naturale. Or at least for me anyway! heehe. I guess I put my mark on Vermont.

It was a nice trip. It’ll definitely go down in the history books as a good trip, a successful trip, and a trip of personal growth and reward. I hope you all have been busy doing good, fun things too. What’s a favorite place you’ve visited? Let’s compare notes!

’til next time