Hello from the other side of another week! This week was again busy, but you guys, I took some time off. I had to. I was so worn out from all the running and working I couldn’t even think straight. But I had a good time while doing it all. I really did. But I needed some time to decompress and to get some office work done. So that’s exactly what I’ve been doing this past week. But let’s start with last Friday.

I taught my first class at Kutik’s bees in Oxford. I think I wrote about that in last week’s roundup. I also have a separate beekeeping and class update coming this weekend. So bee on the lookout for that!

I launched my first class kits this past week! I’m so excited for them. You can see them here and read more about them here. Kutik’s is also selling them so I delivered the kits to them on Wednesday. I’ve been learning a lot about owning a small business and all the legal paperwork, taxes, and upkeep. I didn’t know I could get a resale certificate when purchasing supplies. That makes things so much easier. I don’t mind paperwork either. It’s nice to see how things are going, but paperwork seems to get shoved to the back burner when there are a lot of things on the to-do list.

Speaking of paperwork-ish. I’m gearing up for my next round of class kits. I had someone make my bags for me but I want to make them from now on. The company that made them is local to me and they did a fantastic job but they are costly. So I ordered a Chicken Librarian stamp, my friend showed me how to use fabric paint to stamp the bags, and I just purchased bags. We’re also working on labels for the jars and then the set up in my webshop will take some time. Each of the new kits will have different variations–one for each carrier oil I have available. And then each customer will get to pick out 3 essential oils. So it will be some work setting all that up but it will be so worth it in the end! I also want to order some beeswax (from my fav bee company!) but in 1 ounce sizes. I’m looking for a mold right now. How fun would it be to have a Chicken Librarian logo mold for the beeswax?!?! But that might not happen. In that case I’ll find some cute bee molds. I’m really, really excited about the kits. I’ll be putting the rest of my stock on sale soon, just in time for the Holidays. That way I can move forward with just the kits for now.

I tended to the garden again this week. I didn’t do much but take a look around and clean out some more plants. The poor little brussel sprouts are still hanging in there. I decided to leave them. I also took some pictures because it’s just still so pretty outside. I checked the rain gauge that is in the raised bed wagon and we’ve had 5 inches of rain since I was up at the garden last. Granted it’s been a long time since I in the garden (maybe 3 weeks) but that’s a lot of rain! We got a lot more rain since I dumped the gauge so I’ll check back on that later next week.

I took some time to do some cleaning this week too. That felt good. And we’re still working on the winter crafting room/office. I cleaned all the bird feeders that one of the guides insist that we have but never cleans them! So I threw out all the old feed that was still in each feeder, bleached the feeders, and rinsed them really well. And before you say I shouldn’t use bleach, you should have seen the state of the feeders! They needed it. But I rinsed really well and let them dry completely before putting them back out. I don’t like feeding the birds in the warmer months, but now that we’re on the other side of fall, it’s time to start putting the food out so those little birds can build up their body fat for winter time. Plus I think the kitties will like watching the birds this winter. I put some feeders out front and some are out back.

I’ve spent a little time in the kitchen, but not much. I still have apples and pears to process. But they should hang on for another day or two. I cleaned some out and started processing but I can spend all day Saturday on it. I had hoped to get to it on Thursday but paperwork took priority.

Forgive the pile o’ blankets! They’re for the animals! And the kitties took over some of my baskets. You can just see them with blankets sticking out of the top. I think it’s good to be an animal at the Chicken Librarian homestead!

I’m loving our winter crafting space! It’s coming together nicely. The Mister has a fly tying area right by the window and sliding door. We’re taking down those yucky blinds that have been there for at least 20 years. We’ll hang up some of our curtains and sheers (you can see them on the table in the pic above). It will just look better. I’m really excited. You guys. I’m such a homebody. I love nesting. I love being at home and just doing things. I love traveling, teaching, and meeting new people, but I really recharge by being at home, planning, and doing. And snuggling with the critters ain’t so bad either! I had some time yesterday morning to just stay in bed. I got up, fed the cats (I feed the cats, the Mister takes care of the dog), fixed a cup of coffee, fluffed the bed, and got back in. Can I just say…that was THE best. And I moved my chair and ottoman into the crafting room so I can sit with the critters and look out that back sliding door.

I signed up to teach the after school program, once per month through May, at my local library. I added some things to my class page and tweaked that page just a little. You can check it out here. And you can read more about it when I do the beekeeping and class update post this weekend. I’m trying to work through all the back log of blog posts that I need to do so I’m blogging a little more than normal, but I like it. I’m having fun. I’m really enjoying these weekly roundup post too.

I know I keep going on and on about the winter crafting room/office, but every where you look there’s such a great view! This maple in the pic above, is one I tap every year for syrup. The Mister and I were just talking about that. I need to order some supplies and he’s going to get some cinder-blocks and build me a outdoor wood boiler. I’ll keep you posted on that. It should definitely make maple season go much smoother!

love this view from my little office

I finished canvassing for my friend. The election is on the 5th so it’s coming up quick! I enjoyed meeting new-to-me neighbors. Everyone was so friendly and open to hearing about the election. When I reminded people to get out and vote, almost everyone said “I already do!”. I love that enthusiasm. I hope to continue to build these relationships in my little community. I also boosted a post on Facebook and Instagram. I spent $10 but I don’t think I really got any results. But at least now I know. Maybe I’m not that savvy with it and missed my target audience, but I thought it was worth trying. I really want the class kits to sell so I thought I would try boosting the post, but all of my sales were from people that I already know–either in real life or as mutual followers on IG.

Okay. I think that’s it for the roundup. How about some Friday Favs now?!!? I’ve been thinking about what I’ve been digging this past week and I’ve got some fun ones for you!

  1. I started watching Rotten on Netflix and I watched the episode on bees. It was really interesting. It will change the way you look at food. You’ll be hearing more about that soon.
  2. I felt the need to start a new knitting project so I started this cowl. I’m using some mini skeins and can’t wait to see how it shapes up.
  3. I made this granola recipe but added applesauce to it. I also cooked my dried fruit with it rather than adding it after cooking.
  4. I bought inserts for my planner! Blog post coming soon, but you can see the unveiling on my youtube channel.

I’m linking up with the co-hostesses of Friday Favorites. Click the links below to see what they’ve been up to this past week!

A Little Bit of Everything / Momfessionals / Grace and Love

What have you been up to this past week? Anything fun? Anything tedious, like paperwork? I did all the business paper work filing too! Fun times! Let’s go make this week a good one friends!