Hey friends! Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you had a wonderful day and have lots of plans for family and friends this weekend. I know we do. And it’s been a good week. We went to my MIL’s for Thanksgivings day. I ended up working some of that on the shop. But there was some down time too. Did I mention that we have a TON of stuff in storage at my MIL’s? Some of it has been there for over 10 years. We’ve slowly been bringing the long-stored items back and going through them. Mostly we’ve been purging, but it’s also a nice walk down memory lane.

Most of my week has been spent on the business. Shocking, right? Well, the Mister has all my bookkeeping in order. I know exactly where I stand with income and expenses. And I have a big restock happening over in the shop. There are class kits–food covers, salves, and lip balms. There’s also candles-both ready-made and custom ones. You pick the holder and oils and I make it for you! There’s salves and knitted goods. There’s even ready-made gift sets! I’m also offering a coupon code for my subscribers. So if you haven’t subscribed to my newsletter, now’s the time. The code will get you 15% off my shop until the end of the year. And as I’ve been saying, some things won’t be restocked. So get it while the getting is good.

Oh my goodness. I am so thrilled with this shop restock too. I love the kits! LOVE them. You can read more about them here. It’s taken me a long, long time to get here but it’s here. I feel good about the product line. I love teaching classes and now I can offer that in a cute little reusable bag. I love it.

For all my fashionista blogging friends, this one’s for you!

Speaking of classes, the last two of the year are coming up. Unfortunately most of my holiday events didn’t work out for one reason or another. But that’s okay. I can sell my items here to you, dear readers. And that’s enough for me. I’ll spend the rest of the year catching up on the very long to-do list.

We’ve had some fun weather this past week and apparently we have a storm moving in on Sunday. There’s a foot of snow predicted but I hope it waits. We have a dinner party scheduled here at the homestead on Sunday! I really, really want the snow to wait. Can I put in a request?

Well you guys. It’s a short one this week. I don’t think you can take any more of my behind-the-scenes business updates! Haha! Our next book discussion is next week. I am also working on the promised cake recipe for my nephew. We have lunch with friends today, dinner with other friends tonight. I am making lip balms and candles later. Plus I need to make soap, applesauce, and seafood stock. Keep an eye out for those updates along the way. And I’m putting up the fall themed decorations this weekend and pulling out the winter/Christmas ones! I’m excited. There will be a tromp through the woods looking for decorations. I’m picturing greenery, pine cones, berries, and some candles.

And I’ll leave you with this walk down memory lane. The first picture is our older labs (both have since passed on). They were brother and sister and this picture pretty much sums them up. Watuaga LOVED water. Redbeau was lazy. He was content to stand back and watch and then go run off and get in trouble.

and the picture below was from our trip to Andros Island way back in 2002. I want to go back. The picture was taken at Small Hope Bay. It’s right on the water. There are little cabanas on the water’s edge that you stay in. It was so lowkey. Just like I like it. Nothing flashy here folks. But good food, good drinks, and really, really nice people. I vote we go back, how about you?