Here we are for another session of Yarn Along. I say this every time but I always mean to join in but every month it just passes me right by! But not this month. Here I am with a quick update on what I’m knitting and what I’m currently reading. I’ve been having some trouble finding books that are holding my interest. You can see what I’ve read thus far by visiting my goodreads reading challenge page.

I knitted a ton of washcloths before I stopped my markets and then I took a break from knitting. But time is of the essence so I started working on christmas presents. I can’t go into too much detail but I am working on a pair of Long Lovely Mitts. I love knitting, and wearing, these mitts! I could knit them all day, every day. I’m using a skein of sock yarn from Color Craze Fiber that I bought at Catskill Fiber Fest a couple of years ago. You can read more about my trip to the festival here. I love how crazy the yarn is dyed and I equally love how it’s knitting up! I used a size 4 for cast on and row 1 and then switched to a size 3. The pattern calls for a size 2 but I sized up. I kind of wish I hadn’t but I’m not stopping now! I had a couple of false starts and ripped it out a couple of times. Corny also ate some of my yarn. I had the yarn and the ball on the kitchen table and he must have knocked it off and then chewed the yarn from the ball. I found the knitting and the ball in two separate rooms. It doesn’t appear that he swallowed any yarn. We checked. Hehe.

As I said above, I’ve been in a reading slump for most of this year. But I am finally getting around to reading The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis for the first time. I’ve also been listening to Becoming by Michelle Obama all summer while I was mowing. It’s really good. I’m torn because I don’t want to finish it, but yet, since I have so much time into it I would like to be finished! I don’t have too much left but mowing season is over for the year. I’ve been listening to snippets here and there as I’m working in the kitchen.

Anyway, that’s a quick look at what I’m currently reading and knitting. I’m joining Ginny over at Small Things for her monthly Yarn Along.

’til next time