What started out as an attempt to show you what a ‘day in the life’ turned into me taking some time away from blogging, unintentionally. Then it wasn’t so much a day, but more like a ‘week in the life’ and not a typical week either! My parents came for an unexpected visit (unexpected as in they decided a week prior to visit). It was truly unexpected in that I haven’t seen them in a very long time and they haven’t been to the homestead in a very long time. I usually travel to their home since that is where my whole family lives so it’s easier for me to visit them. But it was a nice treat for them to be here. Of course our weather has been so hot lately and we are now at the tail-end of the heatwave that’s been gripping most of the country.

But there wasn’t a lot of time to update y’all. We did a lot of thrifting and driving back roads. They also brought us our yearly 100 pounds of tomatoes that we are currently processing. Those tomatoes will get us thru next spring, along with any we get from the garden. We also cooked out, visited our local gun store/homestead (mama chicken had just hatched some cute little babies). I’ve also been busy with: catching some good sunsets and sunrises, catching up on some crafting, finishing decorating outside, taking and editing pics. But sadly no baking. I just haven’t had the extra time nor energy to put into baking. But I am booking my Fall classes now. I’ll update my class page soon.

See that bag in the first pic? My 15 year old niece made that for me for my birthday. She bought the bag, but hand drew and hand painted the motif. Without looking at anything! She is so very talented and I just love the bag! What else? Everything is running together. I’ll have to do a post on my crafting updates, the garden, and my knitting. I’ve definitely been busy with all these things! I think that’s it for now. I’m sorry to have gone silent for a while. Something had to go on the back burner for a while and unfortunately it was blogging and baking. But I’m back now after a nice visit with the folks and a few days of R&R. I hope you’ve been enjoying your summer. Tell me all about what you’ve been doing!