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I discovered this book, Flat Broke with Two Goats, written by Jennifer McGaha, because it was listed as the Big Library Read on Overdrive during the first part of April. I would normally read this type of book-goats, homesteading, eastern North Carolina, and being broke, but I hadn’t ever heard of it before (it is a new release). So I’m glad that it was listed front and center on the Overdrive platform as the Big Library Read. And I’m slightly embarrassed to admit that I don’t really know what the Big Read is all about (and I failed to join in the discussion!). Check out the website for more details. Next time I will fully participate!!

On to the book discussion. I really enjoyed this book. I could totally relate to a lot of what the author was saying and experiencing. I, for one, am grateful that someone would open up and be honest about their struggles, financially and with their relationships. This book is all about realizing the mistakes you’ve made in your life and then living with those consequences while trying to make the best of it. The author is very frank about the insurmountable debt that her and her husband find themselves in. And then losing their beloved house and needing to move to a more economical living situation. Um. Hello. Pretty much what I’ve been experiencing since losing my job. Except that I am having a harder time actually doing things. At least the author embraces the lifestyle the best she can. I also liked that there was a financial aspect to this since I really think most of us homesteaders struggle with the financial end of trying to make a living from this thing we love. Also a large part of this book is about relationships. She is angry with her husband. But she sticks it out. And they are still together in the end, overcoming the worst odds possibly-huge financial debt.

Overall I think this is a book to put on your to-read list. I learned a lot and lived vicariously through the author. I hope it motivates me to figure out the financial aspect of homesteading. At the conclusion of the book (which took place  only a few years ago) they still weren’t out of debt but they were living a more simplified life that they wouldn’t have had this situation not happened. The author mentions that they were caught up in the ‘what is expected of us’ rather than ‘what we want to be doing’. I get it. Oh boy do I get it. So do yourself a favor and go read this book. And then follow along with Jennifer McGaha’s adventures over on instagram.

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