It’s time for Friday Favorites! I’m loving this weekly feature. It’s fun to share with you all what I’ve been digging every week. Here are a few of those things:

  1. I’ve been listening to Tennessee Farm Table while in the kitchen this week.
  2. I’ve been dreaming of making a blueberry lavender pie. It’s so happening next week! Stay tuned.
  3. I wish this house were in a different location with better land. It is so dreamy and I can just envision what it could be with some work. I mean, look at that porch! It makes my homesteader heart do a little pitter-patter.
  4. Finally used these this past week. It made life so much easier!
  5. Would love to have one of these for the garden space.

I’m joining the ladies of Friday Favorites (links below). And don’t forget to check back on Sunday for my weekly roundup of what’s been happening on the homestead! Have a good weekend friends!

A Little Bit of Everything / Momfessionals / Grace and Love