I’m not sad to report that the garden is drawing to a close for the year. I was debating planting some fall veg but have decided against it. Mainly because I want to get things done in the garden that will make next year better. And it’s going to be a lot of work. I still have all this on my to-do list:
1. tear up asphalt
2. build more raised beds (need to draw it all out)
3. fence in garden/chicken area
4. set up composter
5. bees?
6. chickens?
7. veg wash stand

Anyway, it’s a lot. But that’s why I’m focusing on putting the garden to bed for the season. It wasn’t a stellar year for the garden anyway. I didn’t anticipate it being so hot and that the raised bed would need so. much. water. I didn’t water enough so things didn’t really take off. I also need to amend the soil this winter. Add some compost and maybe plant a cover crop to help with the soil. And I had powdery mildew like crazy. I lost all my butternut squash, yellow squash, and am now losing the pumpkins. I lost the broccoli to cabbage worms. Ugh. What a year! But it’s my first garden in many years and I did get some produce. You can see from the three pics above how small, but successful, the harvest was. I didn’t expect to grow all our food this year so I’d call it a win! The yellow pear shaped tomatoes and the strawberries were the big producers. I need to keep that in mind for next year.

We’ve also been taking walks in the woods where we gather things for our upcoming dyeing sessions. I’ve been collecting acorns, goldenrod, and keeping onion skins and avocado pits. I’m thinking winter will be a good time to start learning to dye. It’s going to be so much fun!

I didn’t get a lot of things canned this year. We did our annual 100 pounds of tomatoes, some chicken stock, some bread and butter pickles. But that’s it. I have some currants and figs in the freezer waiting to be turned into jam (separately). That will be a good project for later this fall when a lot of the chores have been done.

I’ve tucked the red, white, and blue decorations up and am now focusing on fall/halloween, but it feels like that will all pass me by so maybe I should start focusing on Christmas! HA! Not really. I’ll throw some things together soon. The days are still warm here so I don’t want to put pumpkins out yet. But I’ve been noticing other people’s decorations and I have a good idea of what I want to do outside.

The cats are getting along nicely now. It didn’t take them long to adjust to each other. They chase each other around the house. It’s nice to see Bobby Jack being so active. He might have put on some winter weight already. Ahem. So it’s doing him some good to be active. Little cat, other wise known as Corny, is doing great too. He’s snuggled up in the weirdest position next to me as I type this. He’s still really into biting and scratching but we’re trying to break him of that by distracting him with a toy and telling him ‘ouchy’ when he bites and scratches. Such is life with a kitten. I’ll do a whole animal update post soon.

I haven’t made a pie in ages (not since I made them for the county fair) and I really need to do that soon. I think it’s full steam ahead on my business/marketing plan. I signed up for a few classes this fall. One is on marketing. One is beekeeping. and I signed up for my first photography course ever! I’m excited to take my photography to the next level. I’m taking the camera that the Mister is letting me borrow (that I’ve never used). I switched gears with work as well and will be staying local this fall. This will give me the opportunity to work on my business more and I won’t be commuting 1.5-2 hours per day. There’s so much potential right now and I want to be able to capitalize on it. I’ll give you more details as I can.

Well, so much for a garden update! I guess you got a ‘life update’ instead. I’ll be back tomorrow with my “Friday Favorites” to share what’s been making me happy the past couple of weeks. Until then my friends!