well hey there friends! How the heck are you? Things are good here but you might have noticed that I’ve been MIA for a couple of weeks. There’s a really good reason. I’ve been in TN! I haven’t been there to visit family since February 2020 so it was long overdue! So let’s do a quick catch up from the past two weeks and then we’ll get back to our regular blogging program!


First up, the egg count. I collect 39 eggs from 6/28-7/4/21. And then I collected 39 eggs from 7/5-7/11/21. The chickens are doing well. They were cooped up the whole time I was gone to TN. And it’s been raining. A lot. I think the chickens might just turn into ducks soon if the rain continues. Their run is a mess but we’re starting to have some more warm, sunny weather so it should dry out quickly. I’m thinking I’ll throw some more shavings in the run to help with some of the wetness.

We did have a tree limb fall on the run during one of the storms while I was away. It snapped one of the roof boards and knocked one of the support boards off. But the Mister fixed it all up the next day. Buddy the rooster is doing great too. I’m so happy with that handsome fella. And I suspect that Baby will be laying her (hopefully) olive eggs soon. She’s squatting for me so that’s a clear indication that she’s thinking about it. Oh! I also finished the barn quilt!! Did I mention that? I’ll be back with a whole post about that soon.


Oh the garden! It looks so good! Everything is really growing and doing well. I keep finding new things popping up, including weeds. HEHE. I’ll have a better update in next week’s update. But for now, the garden is good. And I’m very happy with it.

The Business End of Things

Things are good with the business end of things too. I’m gearing up for a lot of in person classes out and about plus some here on the homestead. I also have some more ideas and plans up my sleeve (well, not my sleeve right now since it’s hot and I’m pretty much living in tank tops. haha). So stay tuned for those details. Oh! And in case I didn’t mention it before now, I will have some special opportunities for those of you who have been wanting to take one of my classes. BUT you must be a newsletter subscriber. hint, hint.

The rest of the story

So here’s where most of the details are from the past two weeks. As I said, I spent some time in TN recently. That was nice. I’ll do a post on my trip and what all I got into while there, but I’ll share a couple of things here too. I wanted to do some thrifting while there. The city my family lives near has the best selection of thrift stores. And since I’ve gained a little weight (ahem…if you read this post then you’ll know what I’m talking about). Anyway, I wanted to start dressing in happiness. I need to feel better about this size that I am instead of ‘waiting until I lose weight’. So I set aside some money to spend at the thrift stores. I had a whole list of things that I was looking for, not just clothes, but also crafting supplies and homestead stuff. Boy, did I found lots of fun clothes and am starting a dress in happiness project. I want to make sure I am getting dressed most days (some days will still be dedicated to getting dirty first before getting ready for the day). And now I have lots of fun things to mix and match.

I also did some craft supply shopping. Oh boy! I can’t wait to share those future projects with you all. Then I also found some stuff for the house. Mostly just tablecloths and placemats. But I think it will be fun to decorate the table scape now. Oh. I also hit some yard sales and found a bunch of grapevine wreaths, a new shower curtain for the downstairs bathroom, and some other crafting supplies. AND! Y’all. My dad fixed my 25 year old Teva’s!! YAY for dad’s who fix things.

The Mister and I both celebrated birthdays over the past couple of weeks. I’m choosing to look upon this new year with a positive attitude. I’ve been listening to this podcast and oh, boy, has it been helpful. It’s kind of given me permission to let a lot of things go and focus on the things that are good for me. The Mister and I have had some good conversations about just this thing since I’ve been home. I have a hard time letting things go and recognizing what’s not in my control. So we’ve been talking about this and I feel better. Basically letting go of the BS and it’s all BS, isn’t it friends?

We’ve also decided on how to set our budget and our meal plan for the month! That’s right! We set a meal plan for the rest of the month and will go to the grocery store this week and shop for the month. I’ll give you a better update next week.

I think I’ll end things here. there’s so much more to share with you, but we have time. I’ll be back soon with more.

’til next time