Please consider joining me over on Facebook for a live session on what to do with cranberries. I’ll be making cranberry ketchup! Yum!

Hi friends! It’s time for this week’s Good Things List. I am sharing some of what I’ve been into lately on the homestead. You can see more of what’s on the list here and here.

1. If you read my latest homesteading update post, you’ll know I’ve been spending some time running on treadmill. My running shoes just weren’t keeping up so last week when we were in ‘the land of plenty’ (and place that has more than a grocery store and has things like shopping malls) I asked the Mister if I could please get a new pair of running shoes. I usually buy the cheapest pair of shoes off of amazon but I really wanted to dedicate myself to getting in shape and to not hurting myself. So a new pair of running sneakers was in order! I bought this pair. I’m loving them. I normally buy Adidas or New Balance but I actually had someone helping me this time and the shoes are a great fit!

2. I was gifted those noise reducing Bluetooth headphones for Christmas! Y’all. Total game changer. They’re specifically for when I use the tractor to mow, but I think I’ll be able to wear them for more than that. It’s kind of nice just to have them on when I’m working too. I love music and would have it on 24/7 if possible so these headphones are going to be great. I also love listening to audiobooks, especially when I’m spending hours on a tractor. Total. Game. Changer.

3. I got my calendar last week! It’s so pretty. It was a bit too long for the space where I normally have my calendar(s) so I hung it on one of the cabinets so I can see it all the time.

4. The Mister thought I should mention coffee again. Apparently I’m really enjoying my new french press and ‘fancy’ coffee. In fact, I’m really enjoying it. I wake up every morning and take the dog out, check on the chickens, and then fix a french press. Then I sit and enjoy it before I get my day going. It’s been grand.

5. And I thought I would mention some things that I collect. I love collecting postcards whenever I go somewhere. It’s a small, simple thing but can be used in so many ways. I’ve framed them before but this collection you see at the top is just taped to my chalkboard to decorate it up a bit.

That’s it for this week! Do you have anything special that you collect that I should add to my list?

’til next time