Hi friends! It’s time for this week’s Good Things List. I am sharing some of what I’ve been into lately on the homestead. You can see more of what’s on the list herehere, and here.

Book Group

1. First up, I’m excited to announce that book group is back. I’m not sure what happened but it kind of fell apart towards the end of 2020. I imagine it has a lot to do with the holidays and people just being busy, busy, busy. But I want to try it again. We’ll meet on the second Sunday of the month at 10AM via Zoom and see how it goes. First up, for February we’ll read and discuss The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix. This book looks like it will be a fun read. I hope you’ll join me. You can find info and the link to the meeting via my events page.

The Rest of the Story

2. Saturday was a good day for all the things. It started with a Facebook Live session and then I got to shoot some pictures for my friend’s rental apartment. I’ll share more about that later. But. You guys! I got to go do stuff! We ate lunch out. We went to craft shopping. Then we went to the thrift store. I haven’t been to a thrift store since my parents were here visiting in October. And then we drove around. Taking back roads. She showed me an Amish farm stand. We bought lots of sweets and some milk. They kind of go hand-in-hand.

3. I like finding things around the house that make me happy. They aren’t necessarily homestead related…just things I’ve picked up along the way and when I look at them, they just make me smile. Here are a few of those things:

  • chicken pictures
  • ‘tools of the trade’–lens for my camera. I really want a lens like this
  • puzzles!
  • artwork that I’ve purchased through the years

4. I got to visit my friend’s shop last week. It’s a super cute vintage clothing shop in Honesdale. If you haven’t heard, Honesdale is all the rage right now….and I completely understand why. Anyway, my friend’s shop is just the cutest. And her tote bag was designed by her husband who is a tattoo artist (and tattooed those chicken feet for me). I used the bag as my photography bag on Saturday. It was perfect!

5. And I can’t go another week without mentioning plants. I wish they were plants that were outside in the beautiful warm weather, but alas, it is still January. And January in the Northeast brings cold, snow, and more cold. But, y’all, I have a cactus that is blooming! I was surprised by it the other day. I was checking on my plants and there she was in all her glory! It makes me so happy. Plants are very good things on the homestead!

That’s it for this week friends! I hope you have a great week!

’til next time