Hi friends! I’m back with another “The Good Things” list! This week I’m linking up with Natalie over at Natalie the Explorer and her weekly Weekend Coffee Share. I have some favorite things that I’m either using or that is happening here on the homestead and I am excited to share those with you!

Treat Yourself

  1. Every once-in-a-while you’ve got to treat yourself. And I did just that. If you’ve read this post and this post, you’ll see I’ve alluded to something special that I bought myself. And friends, the wait is over. I bought myself a new-to-me camera! I started with a Nikon d3100 and then upgraded to the Mister’s Nikon d300s. And I wanted to buy myself a new lens but when we were discussing it, a new camera came up for discussion. The camera is used and I bought it through Adorama, one of the more well known camera shops in New York City. Anyway, I bought myself the Nikon d610 and what a great camera it is! It’s full frame and I’m loving it.

Having Fun

2. I’ve been having fun with that camera and my vintage scrabble tiles. My engagement has been super low over on social media so I thought I would just throw caution to the wind and start having a little bit of fun making these scrabble tile ‘flat lays’. I’m not sure if that’s what you would call it or not, since I’m not up on the lingo, but I try to come up with a cute saying and then find things around the house to style along with the tiles. I’m having fun and loving it, even if Instagram is not. These styled photos are not something that comes naturally to me but I’m enjoying the process and how it is stretching me creatively.

Which brings me to another topic that I want to discuss very quickly. I think I’ve been focusing on the wrong part of my online presence. I think I say this a lot, but I really want the focus to be here on the website so I’m going to start shifting everything to the blog and website. I have a few more updates to make and some posts that I want to do so look for those items in the next few weeks. I think it will be fun. Do you concentrate more on your blog or your social media? I know social media can drive traffic to your website, but I don’t think that happens as often as ‘they say it does’. At least for me. If you have tips and tricks, I’m all ears!

Book Discussion

3. Speaking of adding things to the website, if you read my last post you’ll know that I added the book discussion to the website. I don’t know why I didn’t think to do that before! I even gave it a cute name (or at least I think it’s a cute name!). We’ll still meet via zoom and I’ll still advertise over on social media, but the info will be housed here on the website. I’m looking forward to seeing where the discussion goes. We had a great discussion last week for our February meeting. I hope you’ll join me!

Photo Project

4. And finally, you might recall me mentioning that I’ve been working on a photo project for my friend’s rental apartment and how hard of a time I was having. Then I borrowed an external flash and that did the trick. I wanted to share two of my favorite photos that I took. I’ll share more with you later. I still have to get the photos to my friend (she’s seen these two so I’m not showing anything that she hasn’t already seen).

I think that’s it for this week friends. I’m really looking forward to the future of my website and my business. I have a lot of things that I’m working on and I hope a few of those things work out! Tell me what you’ve been up to recently and if there’s anything on your ‘good things’ list that I need to know about.

’til next time