Once upon a time I made stuff. I made all kinds of things-bread, cheese, pasta, baked goods. You name it and I (probably) made it. And then I started my own business. And I put everything into that business (and still do). I am seeing lots and lots of good results from putting all that effort into my business, but I miss making things and diving deeper into making and researching. So I thought I would put it out into the universe that I want to make time for making again. And really, as part of my business, I should be spending time each day or each week researching and diving deeper. There’s no way to ‘know it all’ and we should always be continually striving to learn more about our trade(s). So. here it is universe. I want to MAKE and DO!!


Oh how I love cheese. I love to eat cheese but I love to make cheese too. And other dairy products. Goat cheese, mozzarella, butter, sour cream. I really need a dairy animal. I also would like to set my cheese fridge back up (I need to order a new gasket for the door) and make hard cheeses. I used to do that, once-upon-a-time. So. Here it is universe. I want to gather some milk from the local creameries and make cheese and other dairy products. If you are interested, you can find my tutorials on mozzarella, goat cheese, ricotta on the blog.


I’ve made pasta a lot. I’ve even taken a pasta making class (at Northern Farmhouse Pasta…in the days before I had a blog). I love making pasta. It’s a simple process really. But I want to dive deeper into the art and make ‘fancy’ pasta. I love the book Making Artisan Pasta and I’ve lurked on this Instagram profile for years. She makes some of the best sounding and looking pasta. So. I want to not only stock the pantry with everyday pasta, but also start diving into more gourmet, ‘fancy’ pasta!


Now, friends, this is my favorite thing to do. And I’ve made soap for years. But I don’t make it on the regular. I want to add this to my list of things to explore deeper. It’s a lot of science and math, and admittedly, those are not my my wheelhouse. But I know if I just take the time to sit with it for a bit, I can conquer my resistance to math!! haha. I have several soap making books that I enjoy (you can find them here and here). I love making soap. So there. Let’s make soap!!

Natural Dyeing

Admittedly, this is one of my most favorite things to do, but the one I do the least. It is a process. It’s not hard. It’s just very involved and takes up the most space. Especially if you save your dye vats to use later. And the one thing I am lacking is space. So I don’t do it as often. But I want that to change. I’ve been studying natural dyeing for years and follow some great dyers over on insta. So this year I want to start setting up a dye station. We have closed off the commercial kitchen so it’s just for our personal use (really, for my classes and experiments and process. And also for the owner to use for his personal use/butchering, etc. etc. so it’s a perfect place to keep a couple of dye vats). I’m really excited to forage for dye stuffs. And also to use some of the garden flowers and veg as dye stuffs too.

So that’s it friends! It’s out in the universe. I need to hold myself accountable. I love making things and trying new things and diving deep into learning. So I’m going to go do just that.

’til next time