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Boy have I been busy this past week! I just got home from work, took care of all the animals, put on my comfy clothes, and poured a glass of (red) wine. Now to catch up on what’s been going on. In reality it’s pretty boring, but to me it was a good week. I ordered a henny & roo box for the chickens to try. It’s a subscription box that has select items for the backyard chicken keeper. I liked the box but don’t think I’ll pay the $30 per month for a subscription. You can order a one-time box but those boxes sell out quickly. I think my favorite part was the tape they use on the outside of the boxes. Check out those cute chickens!

I worked a few days this week. I picked up another part-time, as needed gig at the local library. The library was the first library I ever worked at. I left 10 years ago to go be a library director. I love that everything is coming full circle!

I spent a lot of time with the animals this week in between working. The weather was so nice the girls got to free range. Anna and I went for a walk/run yesterday too.

I am taking some time away from social media. It just becomes so overwhelming to me sometimes. I start second guessing my photos. Are they good enough? Did I edit them right? Why don’t my pictures look like that? On and on. I end up focusing on social media so much that I forget to do the things that are important…like homesteading! I always joke that I don’t have OCD but rather OD: obsessive disorder. I can hyperfocus on something. So I’m walking away from social media for the time being. I miss my homesteading friends but I know they’ll be there when I get back. And it will be fun catching up with them!

And I started my Master Gardener course! I’m so excited. I can’t wait to see how it all unfolds. I’m already learning so much. All the participants are super nice. I don’t do well meeting new people. As talkative as I am and seemingly outgoing, I am really internally very shy. An introvert really. So meeting new people is hard. But I’ll open up the more classes I attend. I’m excited!

I’ve ordered the chicks for delivery in July. Bees will be ordered this week. I need to finish my homesteading notebook and then plan the garden. There is a lady in the MG class who is super knowledgable about bees. She gave me a very quick crash course in what to order and from where. I also signed up for an online class since I can’t make any of the in-person classes. I started getting the course materials in order for that class. My goal is to get a lot of ‘homework’ done in the next 2 weeks. I have: the homesteading notebook, the homesteading book group, the Master Gardener materials and videos, and the beekeeping course all to catch up on!

And finally, I thought I would share a guilty pleasure of mine. I really like reality TV. Remember a couple posts back where I said I wanted to exercise my mind. Well, now you know why. I read a lot of fluff books and I like reality TV. Unfortunately for me, our local cable company doesn’t carry Bravo which is my favorite reality TV channel. My favorite reality TV show is Southern Charm. I own all 4 seasons on Amazon Prime. In order to keep myself focused on something other than social media, I have been bing watching Southern Charm. So why am I telling you this? Because we are planning a trip to Charleston! I love Charleston. I haven’t been there in years but it’s just the epitome of southern charm, culture, and preppiness.

Okay, enough for now. I’m pooped and just want to veg out for a couple of hours until bedtime. I hope you all had a great week!