So I finally caught up on my blog reading (well, I will by the end of today anyway!) and I discovered this new-to-me weekly feature: Friday Favorites. My dear friend Daenel over at Living Outside the Stacks, yes the same one I co-host the pie along with (she’s great, isn’t she?), has been doing these Friday Favorites for a few weeks and I like it. It sounds fun. So I’m going to join in. Here’s my weekly round-up of things that I’ve been enjoying.

I’ve been enjoying spending time with this little monster. If you remember from this post, we rescued a kitten from under the dumpster. He was very near death, that I am certain of. Now? He’s definitely fully recovered. We do have our first real vet visit next week but he seems totally fine to me. In fact, he seems like a bratty teenager. But I think those are the growing pains. Anyway, I’ve been able to spend a lot of time with him lately and that makes me happy.

I’ve been able to finish some projects-knitted and otherwise. That has been a huge weight off of my shoulders. I’ve been stuck on the next steps with a few projects and I was able to get help with those. So now I’m all set to move forward with finishing a ton of projects. It won’t go quickly but knitting weather is coming, so there will be lots of time to snuggle up with a good knitting project.

I had dinner with a friend and her daughter this week. It was good. We discussed business plans and ideas. I feel refreshed after taking the time away from the business to finish projects and take a step back. I’m ready to dive back in! So this is a double YAY–dinner out and getting back to business. I took the pic above as I was driving home from dinner.

I also saw this fun little tool when catching up with Daenel on her blog. You answer a few questions and then it tells you what paint colors best suite your personality. It was fun and I thought it was pretty accurate except there was a really pretty pink color during one of the questions and it didn’t show up in my list. I was bummed but thought everything else was pretty spot on.

And because this song really speaks to me, ahem…I might have a LOT of negative self-talk issues…It’s definitely been on repeat this week. I think Pink is the best. I’ve always, always been a fan of hers. I’ve always been a fan of her husband’s too. Me, Pink, and Carey go waayyy back. Right back to the ’90’s when I was all alternative and stuff. I didn’t know that I was preppy deep down in my heart. Well, preppy with an alternative twist I guess. Hehehe. Anyway, I picked a video from one of her concerts because there’s explicit lyrics in the video and not so much in the live version. Plus I just love watching live shows. You can see the passion the musicians have!

A Little Bit of Everything / Momfessionals / Grace and Love

That’s my weekly round up. Go visit the hosts of the Friday Favorites (click on their name under the logo) to see what everyone else has been enjoying this week. And let me know what you’ve had on repeat or what you’ve been enjoying!